Is Cork More Healthier Than Beef

By: Mike Geary
Environmental Scientist, Hydrogeologist, and Nutritionist – co-writer of the best-sellers:  The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Prepare

I've been receiving a lot of questions lately most differences in nutrition between diverse meats such as beefiness, chicken, and pork, besides as questions about my assertions that vegetable oils and excess omega-6 fats in general (mostly from linoleic acid omega-6) are actually WORSE than even sugar for us.

So in today's commodity, I'thou merely going to dive into the dramatic differences between the nutritional aspects of beef vs craven vs pork, and also which one is the all-time from an environmental perspective. I also plan to get a full article on the topic of the dangers of vegetable oils coming presently.

Ok, and then showtime let'southward look quickly at both the nutritional and environmental differences betwixt the 3 near popular meats that most people swallow, which are chicken, pork, and beef.

I'thou going to show you why Beef is actually significantly more nutritionally good for you for u.s.a. (AND environmentally healthy and sustainable besides) than any blazon of chicken or pork.


First of all, the vast majority of chicken and pork in the US are raised in indoor operations where the animals never encounter whatsoever sunlight or fresh air, and are fed a nutrition that is ordinarily 100% grains and soy. Because of this 100% grain and soy diet that chickens and pigs are fed in the Us, the omega-6 linoleic acid content of chicken and pork is extremely loftier at around eighteen-20%

(Note: that y'all DON'T want more omega-vi, as most Americans already get about 8-10x too much, and excessive omega-vi is i of the master causes of most degenerative diseases similar center disease, diabetes, and is even a main contributor to the cancer process and Alzheimer'southward too).

Compare that omega-6 % in chicken and pork to even the worst feedlot finished beef, which is only most 2-iii% omega-6 linoleic acid. This is a huge WIN for beef, and shows that chicken and pork contain well-nigh 7-10x more inflammatory omega-6 than beef. So when information technology comes to fat profiles, beefiness wins big time! And information technology's not just solely about omega-half dozen beingness bad…


Beef fat is also ane of the richest sources of a particular salubrious saturated fat called stearic acid, which studies show reduces your appetite (provides a stiff satiety signal and then you automatically swallow less calories), while also having a direct relationship to losing intestinal fatty… In fact, i study on rats showed that the rats that ate more omega-6 fats GAINED body fat, whereas the rats that ate a lot of stearic acid (which is loftier in beef) actually LOST a significant corporeality of abdominal fat.

This doesn't surprise me at all, as I personally have noticed that during time periods when I eat a lot of beef consistently (ane to ii lbs of beef per twenty-four hour period), I become significantly bacteria in the abdominal area with a more visible 6 pack in the lower abs surface area.

Some other win for beef is that it is estimated to have approximately 25-30% more nutrient density (vitamins and minerals) than chicken or pork, by and large due to the healthier feed that cattle get for most of their lives compared to the 100% grain and soy based diets that chickens and pigs go for virtually of their lives.

In addition, ALL cattle raised for meat live their entire lives OUTDOORS in fresh air and sunshine, and ALL cattle are grazed on pasture for about 80-85% of their lives, even if they're finished on an outdoor feedlot for the final few months of their lives. Again, chickens and pigs more often than not spend their entire lives in US manufactory farms indoors, but this does Not happen in the cattle manufacture for beef production.

Cheque out the volume Defending Beefiness, written by a vegetarian turned rancher if you desire to truly empathise the reality of the cattle manufacture and how superior information technology is both nutritionally and environmentally compared to the craven and pork industry.


And while grass-finished beef is better in my opinion for both environmental reasons and slightly more nutrient density than feedlot finished beef, if you had to make the best decision at the grocery store, and tin't afford grass-finished beef (or can't find it near you lot and don't want to order online), and then any class of conventional beef is nevertheless superior to chicken and pork both nutritionally and environmentally.

Also, I recall I need to clarify what happens with "feedlot finishing" for beef when you choose conventional beefiness vs grass-finished beef… For one, in conventional beef, the finishing feedlots are OUTDOORS, then cattle are getting fresh air and sunshine (unlike what happens in indoor factory farms with chickens and pork)… Not only that, but while chickens and pigs are fed 100% grains and soy, even grain-finished cattle are only fed a ration of approximately forty-50% grains in near cases, while the rest of their feed in a feedlot may be materials such as hay, alfalfa, crop residues, and other inedible plant materials that humans can't eat, only cattle miraculously turn into nutrient-dense calories for us through their fermentation procedure with their multiple chambered stomachs.

So although grain-finished feedlot beef is junior both environmentally and nutritionally to grass-finished beef, it's still better than most chicken and pork.

Note that all of the benefits of beef that I've mentioned in this commodity also use to any other "ruminant" carmine meat, such as bison, elk, yak, deer, lamb, etc. It should too be noted that well-nigh ruminant animals (red meat) are raised on land that cannot be used for crops anyway, because either the land is besides steep, dry, rocky, etc. So cattle produce incredibly nutritious food for humans on more often than not country that couldn't be used for crops anyway.

Likewise, from an ecology standpoint, rotational grazing of beef, bison, and lamb is THE #one virtually environmentally sustainable and beneficial form of farming there is… catamenia! What most vegans don't understand is that well-nigh found farming is actually quite destructive to soil, groundwater, surface water, and ecosystems. Think about those thousands of acres of corn, soy and wheat fields (or any grains or edible bean fields for that thing)… all of that establish-based monocropping is essentially DEAD ecosystems, where not but are birds, rodents, and other wild animals harmed or pushed out of the expanse, but fifty-fifty the soil leaner and fungi are significantly harmed from plowing, pesticides, herbicides, and other common aspects of institute-based farming.

And information technology's non only the growing of grains and beans that are destructive to the environment and ecosystems… Other examples of destructive plant-based farming would be tropical fruits where in many cases rainforests were destroyed to abound those tropical fruits. Or how crops like almonds and rice are the biggest water hogs of any type of agronomics. Or how rice is one of the biggest producers of marsh gas in all of agriculture. Or how avocado farms have destroyed ecosystems in Mexico.

The examples of destructive plant-based agronomics could proceed and on, yet vegans conveniently forget about all of that, and endeavour to blame all of the worlds problems on meat. And as you tin can see in this article (at least in the case of beefiness, bison, lamb, and other reddish meat), I contend that grass fed RED meat is actually the #1 nearly environmentally friendly and sustainable type of agriculture there is, significantly more sustainable than nigh any type of constitute-based agronomics.


With the rotational grazing of cattle, bison, sheep and other ruminant animals, grassland ecosystems are preserved, soil is protected from erosion, groundwater and surface water is protected, and ecological multifariousness remains high in areas that are grazed past cattle and other ruminants. And proper rotational grazing also sequesters a massive amount of carbon from the atmosphere and stores it in the soil, making grass-fed Ruddy meat i of the best solutions for climate change every bit nosotros move forward.

In fact, grass-fed beef is generally carbon negative in nearly cases, even after factoring in the methane produced past cattle, making cattle, bison and sheep the #1 nigh important type of agronomics for reducing carbon in our temper. I know this isn't what you lot hear in the media and in vegan propaganda documentaries, but that's because vegan film makers and activists aren't soil scientists and more often than not accept no environmental instruction whatsoever.

This is a nuanced science of why cattle and bison are so benign for carbon capture in the soil, and I may expand on the detailed science of this topic in future emails, but it basically has to practise with the way that ruminant animals interact with grasses (improving the growth and decay cycles of grasslands), root shedding, and also bacteria and fungi in the soil creating stable soil carbon that was pulled from the atmosphere.

In fact, 1 glowing example of a most perfect subcontract is White Oak Pastures in Georgia on 3200 acres, which has proven through soil analysis to have increased soil carbon 10x in the terminal xx years (from 0.five% soil carbon 20 years ago, up to five% soil carbon currently), all due to the magic of rotational grazing of animals on grasses. There are other incredible farms like this as well that are sequestering massive amounts of carbon from the atmosphere and putting that carbon into soil, all while protecting soil and water supplies, and providing healthier nutrient… a couple other swell examples are Polyface farms in Virginia, Belcampo farms in CA, Roam Ranch in TX, and lots more than. Another great source of grass-finished meats is US Health meats, and I personally order from them frequently and love their meats!

If you lot want to be TRULY healthy, while also protecting our surround, grass-fed red meat from beef, bison, lamb, etc. are THE healthiest foods we can swallow for both us and the planet! If you want to dig into this topic more, please grab a copy of my friend Diana Rodgers volume Sacred Cow, which does an incredible chore at explaining why well raised red meat tin can actually salve your wellness and the planet.

In addition, I'd highly recommend my friend Paul Saladino's book, The Carnivore Code, which is fantastic, and explains all of profound health benefits and ecology benefits of eating a largely meat-based nutrition, and minimizing plant toxins that can be triggering autoimmunity, poor digestion, and many other health problems.

Although I described the differences between chicken, pork, and beefiness in this article, nosotros also have an in-depth article on our blog here about chicken vs beef that you can read in more particular as well.

Hither are a few more articles on these related topics…

1. If you lot eat vegan, here's how y'all could exist destroying your digestive health

ii. Why Vegans actually harm the surroundings More grass-fed meat eaters (most vegans don't empathise this attribute)

3. Why vegetarians and vegans can AGE faster (controversial, but true)

iv. Fake meat vs Real meat (don't be scammed by all these fake meats that are just complete junk nutrient)

Besides, please SHARE this article to any of your friends and family that would enjoy this piddling rant today, or gain benefit from information technology, and the articles I linked to as well. It very well could SAVE someone'due south health all while improving our surroundings!


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